Educational Resources

Monthly Zoom Educational Session

The BSD will host regular 30- 45 min webinars covering a wide range of topics for the dermatopathologist.

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Live Trainee Tutorials

Regular webinars covering wide range of topics for dermatology & histopathology trainees.

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Learning Content

Discover content shared during Sessions and Tutorials, including videos and PowerPoint presentations.

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Self-Assessment Sessions Archives

Explore some of the previous BSD self-assessment cases, fully digitised with discussions.

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National Specialist Dermatopathology EQA Archive

The BSD has agreed to host an archive of previous circulations on behalf of the NSDEQA scheme.

Melanoma Slide Club Archive

The melanoma slide club cases explore the histological diagnosis of a wide range of melanocytic lesions.

Useful Links

We have put together links to a few other Dermatopathology Societies around the world.

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Calendar of Events

Dermatopathology events listed here with links to the hosting society. Regularly updated and reviewed.

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Interesting Cases

A dedicated space to share interesting dermatopathology cases. Please contact us to contribute a case of your own.

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The RCPath Diploma in Dermatopathology

Please see the RCPath information and past written papers via this link.

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Self-Certification CPD Certificate

If you have used the BSD website for CPD activity then please create and download a certificate for CPD self-certification.

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Trainee Resources

Join BSD Membership

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